EMAlert System
Cellular broadcasting is an existing cellular technology that uses a separate channel distinct from
those used for voice, SMS or data. Today there are more than 174 million wireless subscribers in
the US. All of these wireless devices work on either the CDMA or GSM network which are both
capable of receiving cell-casted messages. Cell-broadcasting is a non-congestible, one-to-many
service that is highly robust, redundant, and non-blockable that has been acknowledged to be, in
many ways, ideal for public warning.

The EMAlert System takes cell-broadcasting to the next level. The primary difference between
cell-broadcasting and the highly geo-targeted next generation cell-casting that ASI offers is the
precision of message delivery. Through cell-casting, individual messages can be pinpointed to
highly specific areas within a cell or to areas that straddle portions of multiple cells. For example,
if there was a hazardous chemical spill, using the EMAlert System, the community's emergency
manager could direct one neighborhood to evacuate via specific routes while advising residents
of other areas to shelter-in-place by closing doors and windows.

EMAlert is capable of disseminating information coming from an event location though multiple
sensors, data coordination from the variety of source libraries and coordinating agencies, in
order to effectively deliver the right message, to the right location, at the right time, to the right
person(s) in order to make the right decision.  These are the 5Rs of Emergency Management
and Public Warning.

Using the EMAlert Communication Server, an emergency manager is also able to mobilize rescue
or assistance forces, and obtain assistance and information from national resources and
databases.  EMAlert software can be embedded in cell phones, PDAs, and other communication
devices and consumer devices such as telephones and thermostats, yet requires no database of
private or residential users to deliver notifications.

During any type of disaster or emergency, "time is the enemy." By automating and
choreographing the core public safety information and communication processes, EMAlert
improves overall public safety threat assessment, notification, and response timing &

Alert Systems
EMAlert System
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