ALERT SYSTEMS INC. PRESS RELEASE Madison, WI - Sept 8, 2005 Communications Failures Could Have Been Averted. “There was a 3-4 hour delay after the levees were breached, where people could have been alerted to the coming danger and resources mobilized simultaneously,” said Kendall Post, an expert in disaster communications. “It’s nearly impossible to evacuate people and mobilize resources when you cannot reach people reliably. With a modern system and a National Master Plan we could have significantly reduced the consequences.” For over 8 years, Alert Systems Inc., of Madison, Wisconsin has undertaken a comprehensive grass-roots emergency communications study to address the weaknesses in the existing systems. Emergency management (EM) experts were interviewed from across the country, as well as over 150 Emergency Managers attending FEMA training sessions. Mr. Post reviewed Emergency Operations Centers in five states, undertook working group sessions involving other experts and participated with focus groups involving the deaf, the blind and other groups associated with the Americans with Disabilities Act. “We just weren’t aware of exactly what the situation was.” We have heard these words often since Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast. It’s axiomatic that access to relevant & useful information is at the core of crisis management. “In fact”, Post says, “effective public warning is the linchpin of an effective emergency management system”. Others involved in communications agree. Dr. Alan Pearce, a former Chief Economist of the FCC recently stated that, "With an infrastructure capable of delivering Public Warning without prejudice, the findings of Mr. Post should be acted on immediately. We must be able to set performance goals and act on them." For the past two years Mr. Post has been working with advocacy and working groups to educate the public about the barriers that prevent a resolution of the public warning problem. His views have gained acceptance in government agencies in the US and Canada. "We understand the problems and we have developed a comprehensive roadmap to success, said Post. What we need now is a willingness to implement that architecture." What happened in New Orleans? Using every notification means available, it took three to four hours to notify a reduced and sensitized population of the levee breach. But by then, the rising waters had made evacuation impossible for many, especially the most economically and physically disadvantaged. What could have helped is an effective public warning system capable of delivering critical information within seconds simultaneously, in real time, throughout the affected areas of the city. Post’s studies and those of others demonstrate that over the past fifty years little has changed in Emergency Management. In many parts of the US and Canada, emergency management services are delivered by professionals who rely upon “Cold War” technology to deliver messages within their communities. Even at this level, community systems are not integrated and mutual aid efforts are slowed because of technology failures. Public Alerting is left to sirens, local radio and television and auto-dial telephone systems. A fundamental new and innovative approach is demanded. “The technology exists to warn 85% of an affected population in 90 seconds. We could have simultaneously warned people in the middle of the night throughout the affected areas of New Orleans,” said Post. This approach would have warned about the dike failures and the resulting flooding and provided alternative emergency evacuation routing. We could have created an informational thread that warned people of developments after television, radio, telephone, and electricity went out. Responder mobilization would have been immediate and good intelligence would have been available to all levels of government. Those in Washington and throughout the affected states would have the same information at the same time. Effective communications may have alleviated substantial amounts of the misery we are now seeing and will continue to see throughout the Gulf Coast region. Post cautions, “ We must establish the performance goals and lay the foundation for effective public warning immediately.” | |||